About us

Our Principles

7 things we do not do:

  1. Make all our products look as if they are on sale.
  2. "Best price"-guarantees that only apply with ten restrictions.
  3. Set all prices to 99 cents so that the offers look cheaper.
  4. Dumb "customers also bought"-recommendations that are not true anyways.
  5. Only mark products as "best selling" or "nearly out" that are the most profitable.
  6. Countdowns and texts everywhere to manipulate people into buying quickly.
  7. Manipulate or map MTG products. Promise!
7 things we do:
  1. Show fair and transparent prices.
  2. Send, if possible, on the same day.
  3. Send environmentally and socially friendly. So only DHL.
  4. Package everything very carefully, after all we send collector products.
  5. Answer every customer personally and individually - no matter the topic.
  6. Keep this shop current, tidy and clear.
  7. Reorder stuff on request, also large numbers.